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[Method] How to get a lot of public proxies fast and free for your SEO tools part 1

(This is copy-paste.)

First of all I would like to say that I have no affiliation or ties to 
the Blackhat tools or resources I will discuss, and wherever possible I 
will also make references to the sources of information I provide.

OK, without further ado, let's get some proxies.

First, make sure your machine is ready to open up the maximum amount of 
full and open threads (Internet connections) to keep the process fast. A
lot of folks don't know this but their default installation of Windows 
literally chokes off their blackhat efforts. Please read about and 
download this tool here:

When you launch this application it will tell you what your current 
limit is and ask you to set a new limit. On the website to download this
tool they say to set the limit to 100, as this should be enough, but 
F*** that!! We're blackhatters so set this to infinity. For the new 
limit just press a bunch of 9s until it says '∞', or infinity.

I got this tip from reading "Scrapebox Secrets" by Maruk. 
Sorry, that book is on the DNS list so I won't give it out. after that's set up we can rock. You'll have to reboot your system for the new settings to work.

Now we need to have a good proxy source list, basically a list of other 
websites that have freshly updated proxies for us to scrape and harvest.
I think it would be a good idea to scrape the same resources as 
Scrapebox and then some. Open up Notepad and copy/paste this list to it 
and save it. Call it whatever you like, but I'll call mine 'proxy seed 

Code: Proxies HTTP Proxies Proxies

I got this list from this website here:


Ok, next we need a tool to go ahead and scrape and harvest all the 
proxies that are on our proxy seed list. I'll be honest, I use 
Zennoposter's proxy tool to do this for me AND scrapebox can too...but 
this is a freebee method so I'll stick to free tools.

I will recommend IMSimpler for this, it's free and has consistently 
brought me the best results. Proxy tools such as Proxyfire and Charon 
are great too, as I have used them, but I can't help really liking 
IMSimpler. IMSimpler is free for download (with email address) and is a 
tool from another fellow blackhatter named VanillaH:

Unfortunately, IMSimpler's proxy features just scrapes and tests the 
proxies, it is unable to give more details about the proxy such as 
county IP, anonymity class, or if the proxies are Google 
approved...though I will show you testing with Scrapebox's proxy manager
how sweet they are. The biggest advantage of other free proxy tools 
like Charon or Proxyfire is that they will give a lot more details like 
those I mention above, plus they have a lot of automated features in 
place to cut down on the proxy checking steps....but d***! IMSimpler 
just keeps giving me the most valid results. It may just be me...

Open up IMSimpler and select the 'proxy extractor' feature, you'll see 
the tab at the top of the tool clearly marked 'proxy extractor'.

Next, load your URL list of proxy sources, remember I called mine 'proxy
seed list'. To load this list press the bar at the top of the tool 
labeled 'Load URLs...'

After that you need to designate a result file of the proxies you will 
be extracting, look for the button that says, 'Options...' on the left 
of tool and set this file with Quick save. It will save the extracted 
proxy results to the same folder IMSimpler is in under a new folder 
called 'Reports', which will be in another folder called 'proxy 
extractor' (as a .txt file). By saving this file with the 'Quick save' 
feature, the .txt file of proxies will be time stamped so you will 
easily be able to find the file right away.

Let's run it...

Awesome, on this run I just scraped over 31,000 proxies for testing in 
under two seconds. Ah, but there are a lot of duplicate proxies we have 
to get rid of first before we test them. No worries, using IMSimpler's 
'List Manager' feature we can clean this list of proxies right up before
testing. Using this 'List Manager' feature is easy:

Select the 'List Manager' tab at the top and then select 'Load lists', 
which you will select the list of the most recently extracted proxies in
the IMSimpler folder> Reports> Proxy Extractor. Next press 
'Remove duplicates' and IMSimpler will remove all the dups and re-save 
the new .txt file of only all unique IPs.

(Quick note: Proxy tools like Proxyfire and Charon eliminate this need 
to remove duplicates because those tools will do it automatically, yet 
I'm still going to use IMSimpler because I've been getting better 

Great, now we have a .txt file of our fresh proxies, no duplicates so no
waste of time. You will be able to see in the proxy checker module how 
many proxies we cooked back because it will present all your proxies in a
numbered list. Scrolling down in the IMSimpler tool to check and there
will be about 14,000 proxies.

IMSimpler is also capable of testing these proxies with its proxy 
checker, though I have to say it's kind of weak compared to other free 
proxy tools. (for now?). IMSimpler's proxy tool main function is to test
against up to three filters.

So why do I use IMSimpler over other free tools? For it's sheer speed 
and its best results. When I use free tools like Charon or Proxyfire I 
keep getting S***** results in twice the time, and believe me I've 
looked the settings over. It's probably just me.

When using the proxy checking module, you will be given three checking 
options. I think you can use all three at once by ticking all the 
activation boxes, but I just use the 'Make connection to a URL' option. 
And naturally I will be checking against:

Oh ho the sweet irony! G never shuts down for business and plus ultimately I want only G approved proxies!

(side note, that's a theory to get the most G approved proxies... I can't remember where or if I read that)

Make sure to open it up to the maximum threads, which is 999. It can 
actually get up there but I notice it hovers around 500 threads, which 
is much faster than Scrapebox proxy checker which can only be opened to 
200 conections

OK, so after testing, which took under 5 minutes, I just got 1,300 valid
proxies. But how good are they really? Let 's look with Scrapebox proxy

Hehe, nice. The entire operation to get these 70 awesome Google approved proxies took about 5 minutes, and for free.

In part 2, I'll show you how to find more proxy sources to really get tons of free public proxies.
[Method] How to get a lot of public proxies fast and free for your SEO tools part 1  [Method] How to get a lot of public proxies fast and free for your SEO tools part 1 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:12 PM Rating: 5

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